Our Safety

Staveley Junior School aims to create and maintain a safe learning environment where all children and adults feel safe, secure and valued and know they will be listened to and taken seriously. Our school is committed to the principles outlined in ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children 2013’ and implements policies, practices and procedures that promote safeguarding and the emotional and physical well being of children, young people and staff.

Child protection/safeguarding

  • The Designated Safety Leads (DSL) are:
  • Sue Parkes (Headteacher)
  • Megan McKay (Deputy Headteacher)
  • The Online Safety Governor is Kerry Wilkinson.


Cyber Safety

E-Safety is taught alongside computer skills throughout a child's time at Staveley . We take cyber safety very seriously. The school has clear rules for responsible internet use which are displayed in classrooms. 

Each year, on Safer Internet Day, parents are invited in to school to work with their children on some current aspect of internet safety.

We have filtering systems in place to prevent children at school accessing websites considered to be unsafe or inappropriate, and we encourage parents and carers to be aware of the online material and websites that their children are accessing at home.

Digital Leaders/I-Vengers

The school has designated Digital Leaders amongst the children whose role is to be responsible for all aspects of computing in school.

Furthermore, four of the Digital Leaders have taken a more focussed role in e-safety. These are the I-Vengers. They work on e-safety activities which are linked to the I-Vengers website.


You can download our policies related to child safety below.



Staveley_Junior_School_BYOD_Policy.docx .docx
Anti_bullying_policy_Oct_16.doc .doc
staveley_junior_school_online_safety_policy_2016.doc .doc
Extremism_and_Radicalisation_Policy.docx .docx
What_is_Pokemon_Go.pdf .pdf
Think_about_it_leaflet_7200_ver_2_p7_June_2016.pdf .pdf
Safeguarding_Guidance_Parents.pdf .pdf
Social_Media_Guidance_Parents.pdf .pdf
Social_Media_Guidance_School_Staff.pdf .pdf