Welcome to Staveley Junior School.
Everything we do at our school is built around our children and our motto of:
Dream. Believe. Achieve.
We want to help our children to build their dreams and to do that we aim to give them as many inspiring experiences as we can. This includes not only a wide range of school trips and visitors to help their learning come to life, but also a chance to meet and find out about those who have achieved their dreams. We want to encourage them to think about where they want to be in their future and how they can get there.
We are also aware that to act on their dreams, our children need a strong belief in their own abilities. To foster this we celebrate success and effort across the school recognising that we all have different strengths and talents. We understand that our children need to be emotionally as well as academically strong. We work to nurture families and children to build and support resilience and strong physical and mental health in preparation for adult life.
Our varied curriculum is developed to engage our children whilst being sure to carefully build knowledge and skills in a way that ensures firm foundations to support the highest expectations whilst allowing all of our children to reach their full potential. We firmly believe that the curriculum should give children a wealth of knowledge and opportunities whilst also developing the ability to question and discuss ideas.
If you would like to find out more, we welcome visits to the school and I am always happy to show people around and share what we do.
Mrs Sue Parkes
If you are interested in a place at Staveley Junior School for your child, and would like someone to get in touch with you to discuss, please click here
Welcome to Staveley Junior School.
Everything we do at our school is built around our children and our motto of:
Dream. Believe. Achieve.
We want to help our children to build their dreams and to do that we aim to give them as many inspiring experiences as we can. This includes not only a wide range of school trips and visitors to help their learning come to life, but also a chance to meet and find out about those who have achieved their dreams. We want to encourage them to think about where they want to be in their future and how they can get there.
We are also aware that to act on their dreams, our children need a strong belief in their own abilities. To foster this we celebrate success and effort across the school recognising that we all have different strengths and talents. We understand that our children need to be emotionally as well as academically strong. We work to nurture families and children to build and support resilience and strong physical and mental health in preparation for adult life.
Our varied curriculum is developed to engage our children whilst being sure to carefully build knowledge and skills in a way that ensures firm foundations to support the highest expectations whilst allowing all of our children to reach their full potential. We firmly believe that the curriculum should give children a wealth of knowledge and opportunities whilst also developing the ability to question and discuss ideas.
If you would like to find out more, we welcome visits to the school and I am always happy to show people around and share what we do.
Mrs Sue Parkes
If you are interested in a place at Staveley Junior School for your child, and would like someone to get in touch with you to discuss, please click here