A message from Pastoral Lead, Nat Smith... 

Hi all,

As we eagerly start the New Year in school I want to thank you all for your amazing support in my first full term. I have really enjoyed working with the children and yourselves to improve the experiences for our families in school.

Please continue to contact me for any of your behaviour, mental health or wellbeing queries along with anything within the Early Help offer. I am always here to listen and help where I can!


Mrs S 


  • Parents/carers- you can call school and speak to Mrs Smith or arrange to speak to a member of staff if you are concerned or need support with your child’s learning, behaviour or anything else you may be worried about. We are here to help.
  • Children- All children can access Mrs S’s safe space and discuss any worries they have inside or outside of school. All staff in school are also available to address any concerns.
  • Early Help Assessment (EHA)- an EHA can be completed with parents/carers to establish any needs you may have or would like support with so that professional services can work together to get the right kind of help in place.
  • Family Support- while an EHA is underway, Mrs Smith can provide support sessions to ensure that parents/carers are receiving a positive service from school. This may require input from or meetings with other services such as school nursing, GP’s, other local schools, housing services or anyone else that could assist with your particular circumstances. This might just be a chat and an understanding ear.
  • Attendance management- Mrs S will be monitoring all children and is available to support parents/carers with any issues which may affect your child’s attendance. Let’s work together to achieve great attendance outcomes for our children to help them flourish in their learning and development targets.
  • As already mentioned, Mrs S and the school staff will liaise with other professional agencies to ensure our children’s needs are met and they receive the best and most appropriate care and support.
  • Mrs S is available to assist with any paperwork you may need support with completing such as secondary school admissions, disability living allowance and medical forms. Please contact Mrs Smith to arrange an appointment.


Please feel free to call Mrs S or the office team on 01246 472 325 to discuss accessibility options or to discuss concerns. We are always here to help. If we cannot help you ourselves, we will find the best people to do so wherever possible.

If you do not feel comfortable speaking to a member of staff about your issues, please refer to our “What, Where, When” leaflet below which can signpost you to alternate agencies who may be able to offer you support. These leaflets are also available from the main entrance hall in school.


Please see Early Help offer below:
