
Our uniform consists of:

Red fleece, cardigan or jumper
White shirt/polo shirt
Grey or black trousers or skirt (leggings can only be worn under a skirt)
Red check summer dresses/ grey shorts
Suitable black school shoes or black trainers.


Uniform does not have to have the school logo on, so can be bought from any local shop, but if you would like to purchase items with a logo we have some in stock. Please see Arbor for what is still in stock.

Items with a logo can be ordered from either of these suppliers, with free delivery to school: 


Staveley Junior School Uniform (schooltrends.co.uk)

Prices vary slightly between the suppliers, please have a look at both.

Please remember all clothing should be clearly marked with your child’s name. Every effort is made to return lost property. Items will be displayed to the children for identification at regular intervals.


If your child wears wellingtons or heavy boots to school or plays football on the field in their shoes – please ensure that they have a change of footwear for indoors and a plastic bag to put the wet or muddy boots or shoes in.

PE Kit

When it is your child's PE day, they are to wear their PE kit to school. This should consist of plain black shorts or black/dark-coloured bottoms, a plain white t-shirt and good footwear for being active. A school jumper can be worn on top to stay warm, or another plain jumper.
PE Days for Year 2023 - 2024
Year 3 - Mondays and Wednesdays
Year 4 - Mondays and Wednesdays*
Year 5 - Tuesdays and Wednesdays*
Year 6 - Thursdays and Fridays
*Year 4 and Year 5 swim on Wednesdays. They will still come to school in PE kit, but bring a swimming kit with them too. 
The Education Committee’s Safety in Physical Education Regulations (Circular 1/91) provide that encumbrances likely to impede a child or cause danger to others must not be worn during Physical Education and games.

For PE lessons, earring and watches must be removed.


Should a child need to wear jewellery for religious or medical reasons, parents must seek permission by way of letter to the Governing Body, via the Headteacher.


A basic level of swimming achievement is expected by the age of eleven in the National Curriculum.
Please note that children requiring inhalers, insulin or other urgent medication must take their medication labelled with name and dosage to the leisure centre in case of need.


 Swimming Kit

A towel
Swimsuit or trunks.

Goggles (optional)