At Staveley Junior School, the curriculum for reading is delivered so that each child becomes an enthusiastic reader with the necessary skills to tackle any text. Children are taught the appropriate strategies in reading, including phonic skills, word recognition and the use of picture and contextual cues to develop comprehension skills and increase independence in reading for enjoyment.
Bug Club
At Staveley Junior School, we use Bug Club.
This online programme is being used to enhance the reading opportunities we offer our pupils. Therefore, children will continue to receive an individual reading book and/or library book, as well as reading within their book talk or guided reading sessions in school.
This leaflet will briefly outline how you and your child can access ‘Bug Club’ at home and invite you to a ‘Bug Club’ workshop running in the school hall on Tuesday 4th April at 6pm.
What is Bug Club?
Bug Club is a secure online reading programme that primary school children can use to engage with a series of online e-books. Bug Club uses modern images and familiar characters to excite and motivate children; so be prepared to read a range of books from Star Wars to Wallace and Gromit and much more!
How do I log on to Bug Club?
It’s easy!
Simply access the ‘Bug Club’ website at or click on the ’Bug Club’ link on the school website to type in the school ID, your child’s username and their password.
What will happen when I log in?
Logging in will take you to your child’s unique and secure homepage. These will look different depending on the year group your child is in.
On the homepage, in the ‘My Stuff’ section, you will find a display of the e-books your child can access. These books have been allocated by your child’s class teacher and are matched to their individual reading level.
Previously read e-books will be stored in your child’s library page and can be accessed again at any time. On lower level books there is also a ‘read to me’ feature. We strongly advise that this function is used after the children have attempted to decode the words independently. If used prior to reading, the children could use this to memorise the book and in turn not practise their reading skills.
What will my child’s e-books look like?
Depending on the level your child is reading at, their e-books will look different. However, all books will have arrows to navigate the pages in the book, a magnifying glass to focus on the text and enlarge it and a series of ‘Bug Club’ symbols featured on some of the pages.
What will happen when my child clicks on the ‘Bug Club’ symbol?
Your child will be taken to a task related to the page they have just read. This will come in many forms and for example may be a question, a game or quiz. Your child’s responses will determine their understanding of the text they have read and are used by class teachers to assist them in identifying your child’s next e -books.
Therefore, as much as you want your child to do well and get all their responses correct, please refrain from the urge to give them the correct answer – it will not do them any favours in the long run.
Any questions?
You will always be able to ask your child’s class teacher any question. Alternatively you may find it useful to access the ‘help’ button on the log in page..