Our vision in school

For all of our children to have the chance to see what amazing things people can do in the world so that they can begin to build their own dreams as they grow and learn. 

We have worked with our children to understand what a dream might look like and we have a wonderful "dream wall" to which we add our work. 
We work with our children to give them as many experiences as possible to fuel those dreams:

  • A wide variety of school trips to support learning e.g. National Space Centre, Magna Science Centre, Sheffield, Derby places of worship, visiting a local construction site to understand how trades work together. 
  • Working in our school garden to provide food for our kitchen.
  • Having a visiting rock band into school to play for the children.
  • Every child learns to play the trumpet and we fund lessons for those who wish to continue.
  • Every child has the opportunity to sing with thousands of other children at the Young Voices performance in Sheffield.
  • We invite inspirational people into school to talk to and work with our children e.g. Chesterfield Football Club, a local poet, local artists.
  • The children have worked together to choose 4 inspirational people to name their houses after.
  • A wide variety of extra curricular clubs e.g. ICT Club and  various sports activities.
  • Building community links to make children aware of local offers e.g. judging the scarecrow competition for the local allotment association, working with the local crown green bowling club to prepare for  the inter-schools competition. 
  • Taking every opportunity to engage with local and national government so children can see how the system works in reality. The local MP and councillor have been into school regularly and children have visited County Hall to take part in a debate.
  • Whole school visit to the pantomime to experience live theatre.
  • Residential experience for Year 6.
  • Opportunities to take responsibility within school e.g. Sports Ambassadors, School Parliament

For all of our children to have the self-belief to meet new challenges with confidence and resilience.

Safeguarding is our highest priority and the school has strong procedures in place to ensure our children are safe and know that they are safe:

  • We have 3 designated safeguarding leads in school who work closely together to ensure that all concerns are logged and reviewed.
  • Termly reviews of the concerns raised help us to ensure we are always looking for patterns in concerns so that we can identify support as needed.
  • We have a full time Student Services Manager in post who works to support our families to support their children and can support on everything from housing to  parenting.
  • We work hard to build relationships with children and families so that there is an underlying trust to support the sharing on concerns when needed.
  • We work closely with many outside agencies to ensure that  we can offer our children and families the best support possible. 
  • Worry box for children to share their concerns with us.

A Strong RSHE/PSHE/RE curriculum in school which addresses:

  • Emotional Health and well being
  • Relationships and friendships 
  • Teaching around difference and diversity
  • Protecting themselves both physically and mentally.
  • Embedding of British Values within school 

A strong emotional literacy strand throughout the curriculum to build our children up. This includes:

  • A whole school thread around emotional literacy and 6 half day whole school days to explore this across the year.
  • Individual and small group therapeutic intervention as required around key challenges e.g. anxiety, anger.
  • Access to a school counselling service.
  • Access to Positive Play support through specially trained school staff.
  • Access to Positive Play family support through the Positive Play Centre.
  • Access to Nurture support where appropriate through specially trained school staff. 
  • Access to additional schemes which build social and cooperative skills such as Lego Therapy and Socially Speaking.

A PE curriculum that supports the explicit teaching of the personal skills which support effective engagement e.g. resilience and cooperation.
A play based lunchtime and break time provision OPAL that develops play skills, problem solving and cooperation. 

For all of our children to leave us with a set of knowledge and skills that provides a strong foundation for their future so that they can achieve their full potential in the world. 

Fully reviewed curriculum with lots of practical hands on opportunities to engage children in learning.
Ensuring all children have access to the full curriculum. 
A focus on inclusion and meeting the needs of every child to ensure they reach their full potential. 
A focus on revisiting and embedding the basic building blocks to support success

  • Vocabulary focus across the school,
  • Times tables focus across the school 
  • Reading focus across the school including monitoring of both accuracy and fluency and  a clear approach to developing both

Use of assessment to identify gaps in children's learning and appropriate carefully monitored strategies to close those gaps. 
Use of carefully chosen individual and small group intervention to accelerate progress as required.
Ensuring equity of access to the curriculum across the school - supporting children to ensure they have full access where required.
Strong support for SEND children working to measure small steps in progress and adapt and review to support appropriately.
A PE curriculum that supports physical development for all our children.
A mastery approach to teaching Maths that encourages all children to support their understanding with manipulatives.
Strong support around attendance and punctuality to ensure our children are present to learn. 
A strong restorative approach to behaviour management, working to build a sense of responsibility around their own actions and a focus on how to put things right,

Our vision in school

For all of our children to have the chance to see what amazing things people can do in the world so that they can begin to build their own dreams as they grow and learn. 

We have worked with our children to understand what a dream might look like and we have a wonderful "dream wall" to which we add our work. 
We work with our children to give them as many experiences as possible to fuel those dreams:

  • A wide variety of school trips to support learning e.g. National Space Centre, Magna Science Centre, Sheffield, Derby places of worship, visiting a local construction site to understand how trades work together. 
  • Working in our school garden to provide food for our kitchen.
  • Having a visiting rock band into school to play for the children.
  • Every child learns to play the trumpet and we fund lessons for those who wish to continue.
  • Every child has the opportunity to sing with thousands of other children at the Young Voices performance in Sheffield.
  • We invite inspirational people into school to talk to and work with our children e.g. Chesterfield Football Club, a local poet, local artists.
  • The children have worked together to choose 4 inspirational people to name their houses after.
  • A wide variety of extra curricular clubs e.g. ICT Club and  various sports activities.
  • Building community links to make children aware of local offers e.g. judging the scarecrow competition for the local allotment association, working with the local crown green bowling club to prepare for  the inter-schools competition. 
  • Taking every opportunity to engage with local and national government so children can see how the system works in reality. The local MP and councillor have been into school regularly and children have visited County Hall to take part in a debate.
  • Whole school visit to the pantomime to experience live theatre.
  • Residential experience for Year 6.
  • Opportunities to take responsibility within school e.g. Sports Ambassadors, School Parliament

For all of our children to have the self-belief to meet new challenges with confidence and resilience.

Safeguarding is our highest priority and the school has strong procedures in place to ensure our children are safe and know that they are safe:

  • We have 3 designated safeguarding leads in school who work closely together to ensure that all concerns are logged and reviewed.
  • Termly reviews of the concerns raised help us to ensure we are always looking for patterns in concerns so that we can identify support as needed.
  • We have a full time Student Services Manager in post who works to support our families to support their children and can support on everything from housing to  parenting.
  • We work hard to build relationships with children and families so that there is an underlying trust to support the sharing on concerns when needed.
  • We work closely with many outside agencies to ensure that  we can offer our children and families the best support possible. 
  • Worry box for children to share their concerns with us.

A Strong RSHE/PSHE/RE curriculum in school which addresses:

  • Emotional Health and well being
  • Relationships and friendships 
  • Teaching around difference and diversity
  • Protecting themselves both physically and mentally.
  • Embedding of British Values within school 

A strong emotional literacy strand throughout the curriculum to build our children up. This includes:

  • A whole school thread around emotional literacy and 6 half day whole school days to explore this across the year.
  • Individual and small group therapeutic intervention as required around key challenges e.g. anxiety, anger.
  • Access to a school counselling service.
  • Access to Positive Play support through specially trained school staff.
  • Access to Positive Play family support through the Positive Play Centre.
  • Access to Nurture support where appropriate through specially trained school staff. 
  • Access to additional schemes which build social and cooperative skills such as Lego Therapy and Socially Speaking.

A PE curriculum that supports the explicit teaching of the personal skills which support effective engagement e.g. resilience and cooperation.
A play based lunchtime and break time provision OPAL that develops play skills, problem solving and cooperation. 

For all of our children to leave us with a set of knowledge and skills that provides a strong foundation for their future so that they can achieve their full potential in the world. 

Fully reviewed curriculum with lots of practical hands on opportunities to engage children in learning.
Ensuring all children have access to the full curriculum. 
A focus on inclusion and meeting the needs of every child to ensure they reach their full potential. 
A focus on revisiting and embedding the basic building blocks to support success

  • Vocabulary focus across the school,
  • Times tables focus across the school 
  • Reading focus across the school including monitoring of both accuracy and fluency and  a clear approach to developing both

Use of assessment to identify gaps in children's learning and appropriate carefully monitored strategies to close those gaps. 
Use of carefully chosen individual and small group intervention to accelerate progress as required.
Ensuring equity of access to the curriculum across the school - supporting children to ensure they have full access where required.
Strong support for SEND children working to measure small steps in progress and adapt and review to support appropriately.
A PE curriculum that supports physical development for all our children.
A mastery approach to teaching Maths that encourages all children to support their understanding with manipulatives.
Strong support around attendance and punctuality to ensure our children are present to learn. 
A strong restorative approach to behaviour management, working to build a sense of responsibility around their own actions and a focus on how to put things right,